VSF Europa is an international non-profit association. Its members are the individual national VSF associations of Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, and Switzerland.
Three quarters of the world’s poor depend entirely or partially on livestock for their survival. VSF Europa members have a common vision: better living conditions for the most vulnerable. They are all working towards reducing poverty and increasing food sovereignty on the planet.
VSF Europa was created to strengthen the collaboration between its members in terms of information exchange, strategic thinking, geographical coverage, human resource sharing and adoption of innovative solutions.
VSF Europa members implement altogether more than 100 projects in over 40 countries. The annual budget for these projects is above 20 million Euros.
The areas of expertise of VSF Europa members include:
- Institutional Capacity Building
- Empowerment through training in livestock sector-related activities
- Control of epizootic diseases and zoonoses
- Access to animal health services
- Sustainable improvement of livestock production
- Animal traction
- Marketing of livestock and livestock products
- Forage production and conservation
- Natural Resources Management
- Emergency Preparedness
The programmes and projects implemented by VSF Europa members are mostly targeting vulnerable populations in less developed countries. But activities also include awareness-raising and education as well as lobbying and advocacy work in Europe and abroad.
VSF Europa members meet twice a year. Moreover, international symposia are organised once a year to promote dialogue and cooperation between the individual members, other stakeholders and the public.
The association welcomes all constructive collaboration with other associations and institutions, whether they are public or private, international or local.
Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Europa
Avenue Paul Deschanel 36-38
Tel: (32) 2.539.09.89
Fax: (32) 2.539.34.90
e-mail: info@vsfe.org